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When we are in the spirit of generosity it feeds the part of our soul that longs to be connected and feel supported. As an expression of valuing self and others we share what we have (our gifts) in order to uplift one another. Through this generosity bonds are created and weave together the fabric of a community that transcends self-interest. It is in these bonds that we enjoy true safety, security and certainty. The more we cherish our community, as a way of holding the gifts we offer, the more we cultivate a community in which everyone thrives.

By being of service to others we can experience ourselves as having a surplus of love, energy, time and resources and align with a purpose greater than ourselves. We choose to give to this community because we are inspired by its purpose: Love.

In Eden, we share from our abundance recognizing that we are all bearers of great resources. Some of us have valuable skills and services we can offer, some have finances and other acquisitions to share. We give unconditionally and wholeheartedly, trusting and knowing that we are provided for, as individuals and as a group.

In other words:
The more we give to the community, the more we are supported and all thrive. We give freely of our time, treasure and talent. “We-conomics vs. Me-conomics”

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