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When we take things “all the way through” it means that we no longer have a judgement or trigger with someone or something that was in conflict for us. It means that we each do “the work” to clear our own hearts and minds of uncompleted thoughts, unresolved interactions, character assessments and interpretations of negative intent. When we are unable to do this alone, we take the initiative to get the support from others to do so.

We meet challenges with curiosity and engage in courageous conversations that lead to the healing, greater freedom, and deeper connection we all desire most, whatever it takes.

In Eden, we do our best to not push things under the rug or hold judgments that weigh on our hearts. This principle invites us all to have the conversations that get through the layers and create an even deeper connection and understanding because we’ve gone all the way through.

In other words:
Don’t leave things unresolved. Clean it up as we go.

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