Evolutionary Love

Discover the Relationship Secrets for Meeting Your Deepest Needs

Friday, Feb 11th at 12PT

Build a Partnership Strong Enough to Share Anything & Heal Everything With the Power to Make Your Most Important Dreams Come True

We are in the midst of a true revolution. On the surface, structures are crumbling, sides are being taken, and things can seem quite confusing, but…

Underneath all the chaos, a larger order of ‘Evolutionary Love’ is trying to emerge – a whole new paradigm of relationship – of relating to ourselves and each other.

Those who are tapped into this force of Evolutionary Love will see their lives, their relationships, and even their life’s work taken to the next level!

If you were on our last call about “Evolutionary Relationships,” you know that we are diving into some deep places of untapped potential to heal, grow, and thrive.

Hearts were cracked open, major breakthroughs happened, and we activated a field for deeper healing from past trauma and abuse.

We looked at how your past relationship blueprint is preparing you for your Evolutionary Relationship Blueprint, and how it can heal any wounded part within you.

We showed you how to stop stepping over your voice or giving away your power in relationship – and even call in your ideal partner if that’s what you most deeply desire…

And we’re doing it again!

We spent the last 5 years in an experiment of Evolutionary Relationship, so we could bring you the cutting-edge of Evolutionary Love…

In this intimate and powerful ‘relationship upgrade’ session, we will –

  • Deepen what we started, including Why Creating Evolutionary Relationship is the Key To Full Expression, Greater Abundance, and Living Your Greatest Life & Purpose.
  • Explore what Evolutionary Love is – and what it isn’t – and a Deeper Understanding of How You Can Start to Bring More of it Forward in Your Life, Now.
  • Identify unconscious patterns that could be Sabotaging Your Relationship now or holding you back from calling in Evolutionary Love
  • Learn How to Be in Commitment Without Giving Away Your Power, and Stand in Your Power Without Separating from Your Partner.
  • Share The 12 Relationship Principles that Create Unbreakable Connection and Transformation in Any Relationship – and Allow You to Grow & Expand Without Limits.
  • And much more, as we open to what is trying to emerge for each of you in the group!

Plus, we will be doing lots of heart-seat coaching 1-on-1 with people, to deepen these insights and help take everyone to a whole new level of love and living!


With a Clear Vision for Your Love, Next Year Can Be the Best Year of Your Life…

Say Yes to the Yearning in Your Heart and Join Us For This Playful, Sexy, and Transformational Training!

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Friday, February 11th at 12pm PT

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