

Chapter #10

We asked AI to explain why death is avoided in the US and how that compares to how death is
viewed in other cultures. Here’s what it said:
The avoidance of the topic of death in the United States can be attributed to a variety of cultural,
social, and historical factors. While it is important to note that there is diversity in attitudes
towards death within the United States, certain trends can be observed.
One major factor is the cultural emphasis on youth, vitality, and individualism in American society.
There is often a focus on prolonging life, maintaining a youthful appearance, and pursuing personal
success and happiness. Consequently, death is seen as a taboo subject, associated with negativity,
fear, and loss. Discussions about death and dying are often considered morbid or uncomfortable,
leading to avoidance of the topic altogether.
Religious beliefs also play a role. The United States has a diverse religious landscape, with a
significant Christian influence. In some Christian traditions, there is an emphasis on the afterlife
and the hope of eternal salvation. While this can provide comfort and a sense of purpose, it can
also lead to a reluctance to confront the reality of death, as it is seen as a transition to the next life
rather than a natural part of the human experience.
Furthermore, the medicalization of death has contributed to the avoidance of the topic. Advances
in modern medicine have prolonged life and created a perception that death can be “defeated” or
delayed indefinitely. The focus on medical interventions and the expectation of a “fight against
death” has led to a denial of death as a natural and inevitable process.



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