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The Art of Flow

Countless scientific studies affirm our ability to attain optimal states of health & wellness through techniques developed in ancient cultures. While myriad, these systems all increase our capacity to use the Mind-Body Connection AKA “The Power Within”.

This workshop includes Breath~work, Visualization, Meditation & other Flow Arts, helping participants increase their energy, cultivate focus & achieve harmony. In addition, the content features perspectives based on the correlations between wisdom traditions & modern science, offering students the opportunity to lead a life filled with gratitude & grace.

While training participants in the fundamentals of dance as a path to enter flow state, the Art of Flow teaches deeper lessons about how to access the infinite creative energy of life itself by connecting with our inner sense of inspiration, imagination & truth.



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at 5:30pm Pacific, 8:30pm Eastern
Time left until webinar starts...
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Michael Ravenwood

Michael Ravenwood has spent over 35 years studying martial arts and meditation. With a degree in psychology earned more than 25 years ago, he explored the intersection of mind-body medicine, quantum physics, and global wisdom traditions. Over 15 years ago, Michael turned his true passion into a career, blending storytelling, martial arts, dance, and fire performance.

Since then, he has become an international cirque performer, event producer, business owner, speaker, and empowerment coach. Michael’s journey includes completing a 10-day silent Vipassana meditation retreat, becoming a certified fire-walking instructor, and delivering a one-hour presentation at Google’s LA HQ.

As the founder and creative director of SkyFire Arts, Michael not only manages the business but also writes poetic, life-affirming pieces infused with humor. As a performer, he dons a high-voltage protective suit to wield 10-foot arcs of electricity from a massive Tesla coil.

With a lifelong commitment to empowering people to reach their full potential and protecting the planet through flow arts and sciences, Michael has been teaching at cirque and dance schools, festivals, and privately for more than 15 years.

During this 90-min call you will learn...
The biggest takeaway from this class is the power of a daily practice that can transform the participant’s life experience.
Mindset is the key factor in determining how we perceive and respond to our circumstances.
Our state of mind directly influences how we express ourselves and interact with the world.
Learning to influence our mindset is essential for becoming more effective and joyful in life.
This workshop provides both perspectives and practices that have been time-tested through wisdom traditions.
The practices shared in this workshop are also validated by modern scientific research for their effectiveness.
This Masterclass is for you if you would like...
Consistent energy
Reduced stress
Better sleep
Focus and clarity
To live on purpose
Increased productivity
More joy
Masculine and feminine balance
What is an Eden World Masterclass?
A Masterclass is a chance to learn from experts in our community on various topics, not necessarily related to Eden's content or even, at times, relationships. It's an added benefit for Sanctuary members and the greater community. The hosts may also offer a deeper dive into the topic with a sales offering during a masterclass.